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A delegation of the University of Toulouse 1, Capitole visited BCU

On March 25th, Moussa Thioye, Dean of the Faculty of Administration and Communication of the University of Toulouse 1, Capitole (UT1), and Ludovic Azéma, Program Director of UT1 visited BCU in a group of 4 people. Teachers of BCU, including Ms. Ma Wei, Deputy Director of the International Affairs Office, Dr. Ouyang Muyi, Head of French Department of School of International Culture and Communication (SICC), Dr. Wei Xuan, Director of Communication Department of SICC, and Dr. Ju Wenjun, a teacher of French major, jointly received the visitors.

During the meeting, the French Department of SICC and the Economics and Social Sciences Administration Department of the UT1 signed an undergraduate dual-diploma cooperation agreement, and had a discussion on the credits transfer and the guidance of undergraduate academic thesis. In addition, both sides also actively explored the possibility of cooperation between the Communication Studies for undergraduate and postgraduate students.

After the meeting, the program director of UT1 held a lecture on the Overview of the French Higher Education System for French majors of BCU, which provided new ideas for French majors to pursue higher education and future career planning.

Founded in 1229, the University of Toulouse 1, Capitole is a prestigious public university located in Toulouse, France. The university is globally recognized for its scientific research and academic standing in law, economics and management, and is ranked first in Europe for its economics research.