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The Confucius Institute at the University of San Marino organized the celebration activities for the United Nations Chinese Language Day

Recently, in order to celebrate the United Nations Chinese Language Day and to pay tribute to Cangjie, the founder of Chinese characters, the Confucius Institute at the University of San Marino organized a series of relevant cultural activities. More than 20 local people participated in these activities and the response was enthusiastic.

During the activities, the teacher Liu Longyu explained the allusion to Cangjie's creation of characters, and led everyone to understand the origin and evolution of the character , and together they wrote down雨生五谷to share the good wishes of the Grain Rain Festival. The teacher Shen Zihao served tea, allowing guests to experience the calming effect of tea in a quiet atmosphere. The teacher Zhang Zijia introduced the concept of taking care of both body and mindof Chinese medicine to the public and led them to practise the Baduanjin to promote both mental and physical health. The event lasted for several hours, and the guests expressed that they were both physically and mentally relaxed after experiencing it.

The celebration of the United Nations Chinese Language Day is one of the brand yearly activities of the Confucius Institute at the University of San Marino. The activities closely follow the seasonal characteristics, targeting at the local people's personal feelings at the time of seasonal change, and give full play to the advantages of the Confucius Institute's Chinese medicine characteristics, naturally and aptly integrating the concepts of traditional Chinese medicine and Tai Chi health care, which not only enriches the local people's way of understanding the Chinese language, but also lays a foundation for the development of subsequent workshops of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese Bridge Summer Camp and other activities of the Confucius Institute.