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The Confucius Institute at the University of Guadalajara has launched second-term Chinese language courses in affiliated high schools

On February 15th, the Chinese Language Courses of 18 affiliated middle schools of the University of Guadalajara was successfully launched in the new semester.

As a key project of the Confucius Institute, the Chinese Language Courses of affiliated high schools of the University of Guadalajara has been highly valued and supported by the high school teaching department of the University of Guadalajara. Through the vigorous promotion of the Chinese and foreign directors of Confucius Institute, the Chinese language course in the first semester was started in 17 affiliated high schools of University of Guadalajara in September 2022. 5 teachers completed the online teaching of 840 hours for 7 classes. All students took the HSK Chinese Language test after the course and passed.

This year, The Confucius Institute at the University of Guadalajara will continue to promote the Chinese language teaching program in high schools. This semester, a total of 6 teachers will be the lecturers of Hsk 1 and Hsk 2 Chinese language courses, and the number of students is expected to reach 185.