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BCU won the Outstanding Organization Award of the 17th Beijing Municipal Lifelong Learning Week

Recently, the Beijing Adult Education Association hold the Fourth Standing Council of the Seventh Session, implementing work for the next half of the year 2022. On the conference, it summarized and commended the advanced organizations of the 17th National Lifelong Learning Activity Week in 2021, and arranged the relevant matters for activity week of 2022. BCU won the 2021 Outstanding Organization Award of the 17th National Lifelong Learning Activity Week.

In 2021, BCU actively responded to the call of the National Lifelong Learning Activity Week. The publicity department of the CPC Beijing City University Committee took the lead in uniting various functional departments and institutes to carry out the four aspects’ work for teachers, students and surrounding local residents, themed on “Digital Empowering Lifelong Learning, Improving Quality and Efficiency to Serve People”. It involves the following aspects. Firstly, carrying out extensive training among teachers and students in BCU. Secondly, organizing a variety of academic counseling and competition activities throughout BCU. Thirdly, developing and making good use of digital learning platforms. Fourthly, disseminating the concept of lifelong learning out of the campus.

Next, BUC will summarize the successful experience and learning results, continuing to promote the in-depth development of lifelong learning activities for local people, and boosting the construction of Beijing's learning city and lifelong education system.