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Practical activities of Nuo Ken Project carried out by School of Education for Excellence Students Training

Practical activities of Nuo Ken Project carried out by School of Education for Excellence Students Training

From September 24th to 25th , Excellence Students Training Team from the School of Education went to Wenyu River Par, carrying out special practical activities on nature education, called Nuo Ken Project. It was guided by Prof. Xue Yujie, an outstanding student tutor of Preschool Education, with Prof. Tu Ding, a natural education expert tutor and all members of the project participating in.

The practical teaching is divided into four parts: I am a forest elf, catching crabs in the rice field, touching loach in the mud, and making rice buckets. Under the guidance of teachers, the project members fully observe children's behaviors, understand their psychology, and try to guide children's active exploration. In this case, children could establish a harmonious relationship in the process of contacting with nature and stimulate their desire to explore, cultivating exploration ability and confident character.



Project members also participated in the collation, distribution and cleaning of teaching aids, as well as home-school communication, classroom summary and reflection, etc. They participated in the design and implementation of teaching activities in an all-round way.

This practical activity allows project members personally participate in and assist in the practice of nature teaching, which help them intuitively feel the concept of nature education and Waldorf Education. It changes the Nature Education from written to a living educational practice, through which members have a deeper understanding of the three principles of Integration, Systematization and Balance. It strengthens members’ awareness of being close to nature and perceive the life meaning of education.
